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Monday, November 21, 2016

Ultimate world Journal, November 21, 2016

* Heroes ended for both me and my girl yesterday. This game ended after a large purge in my guild, they got rid of their solid bottom 10 including my girls game, mine ended because after a year I've had enough. One Word ea your game was a continuous uphill climb never broke top 50 on Arena Rewards and felt the participants were continually punished spending 120 energy for item and getting nothing. * On to greener pastors Forge of Empires is on the Horizon taking a look at that now. Have a Nice Night

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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Ultimate World Journal, October 12, 2016

* Hi, my name is Brian Carrier, 47 Years Retired. Own my home and property, and use this Blog as an outlet for my cynical nature of the World around me and how I see It. Journals like this stand the test of time because they describe a person in the presence of there surrounding. My case life as an online gamer living here in Michigan. At this point not sure way it's so important to post daily but will post if I have somthing to say. * Heroes rocks, even before I finished yesterday I had gotten notice that the level cap was here. So now continuing to Level 85, fresh boards everywhere at level and plenty of new equipment and higher level gear. Looks to me like they add 1000 experience to every level so 75 to 76 is 11000 80 to 81 is 16000 will take significant time to Level up naturally and even more difficult to pay for it. If it takes a week a level up 5 weeks, game's one year old this Thanksgiving. Have a Trust is Earned Evening

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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Ultimate World Journal, October 11, 2016

* Feel like I have everything I need right now, Blog Post Views shot up last week, went back and found all the old post and linked them to a new Web Page. All I was looking for was a way to post these pictures to pintrest. Which I was successful. What I ended up with was a 4 volume library dating back 2 3 years to my very first blog post. I'm Impressed! * Heroes Rocks looking forward to some changes on the game. Possible ships and a Possible increase in level to 85. Game turns one this Thanksgiving, played Mega Continually for four years dead now this Newby game needs to stand the test of time. It needs individual leader boards listing credits, arena wins, gw nodes, and maybe dark side energies and alike. Adding a Ribbon of Honor to those playing continually. Half way to 6 ☆ Anakin one piece of equipment to go for ninth level gear. A purple ten. Have a heavy heavy hanges over your head night

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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

World Journal, October 5, 2016

* October Already Christmas in Three Months, this is where I was last year, doing the same thing. Getting ready for Winter, Bills change drastically Electric Home. Electric Bills Shoot up to 300. Been a Great Year new baby son Life is Fantastic! * Heroes Rocks, Finished up with a doubles weekend, woke up sat morning with a revelation about the game. Anakin Had to be a new Priority. Flipped out a Five ☆ Anakin and not looking back. Now Wednesday and going into Conservation mode on purple crystals. First Tournament showing up for Heroes, Not like Megapolis though. Not much in it for me, Server fame, limiting overall fame. Remember I Led Two Megas in a row for North America fourth in World, Ten phones racking 20 Bucks every two days on Separate Transactions. Blocked and Forgotten Brian Carrier. Enjoy Your Day

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Saturday, September 24, 2016

World Journal, September 24, 2016

Checking in to Say Hi, Life here at home is Progressing Well. Really a Balancing Act, Stay home and not spend money, or leave the house and Do. * Heroes Still Rocks, Been noticing a Lag on the 600 Guild Contrabution, it does not reflect consistently creating confusion as to whom contributes and who does not. * note of interest, signed on to Sling for 25.- a month amc and my local sports teams add the roku adaptor and I'm watching Highlander and Logans Run, I'm Good. Have a Nice Day

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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

World Journal, August 23 2016

* Hey People haven't posted in a while sorry, people change things happen, getting married June 10 next Summer. * Megapolis is done haven't been on in a month. Will continue accepting people to Ultimate World Journal Group but will not be friend requesting. Heroes Rocks looked back in old blogs and figured out that it premiered Thanksgiving last Year. Fiances Game Will Probably Reach Level Eighty Before Next Game Level Increase. Picture is a Tree Frog just prior to eating a spider who came up and said hi. Enjoy the rest of your Summer

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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

World Journal Day 71

August 3 2016 Survived to another Payday don't mind me time can move pretty quick when it wants to. Please do not fast forward to feble old man, Spent an hour on the driveway clearing brush, Ya I still got it. Mega Continues, Heroes going Well haven't spent money on it in three weeks really I never should of had to. Whatever Have a Good Night

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Monday, July 25, 2016

World Journal Day 62

July 25 You ever just want to not go outside for a day, nothings wrong just stay in. Not spend money not leave your door, Do it all Inside let the whole day pass. Did that the other day by the end of it I felt like I should let the world come to me. * Mega is Fine horribly boring after 5 years still manage to Gift. Heroes Holds my Attention, don't ever say it costs money I can easily maintain my game without it and still get my full Guild Contrabution. Have a Nice Night

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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

World Journal Day 56

July 19 2016 not a lot happening, still life is good I'd rate it a 10. Mega continues, keep getting requests to join my group page so I'm still adding neighbors still less than 150 neighbors. Had recycling come and pick up my old car, it's gone now leaving a bare spot in the driveway, had no choice it was becoming an eye sore. * Heroes implemented a new mod system adding a customization feature to characters. I like it, finished all omegas on main battle team, just in time 7 ☆ Rey within 3 days. Note of interest my fiance started a Heroes game about three day ago, leveled to 25 today joined guild and fought her first raid, 200 damage. Good luck Everyone have a Nice Night

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Monday, July 4, 2016

World Journal Day 41, Happy 4th of July

July 4 2016 small fish in a big ocean got my lawn mowed getting ready for a summer party with immediate family. Life is Good Mega keeps going Heroes is being weird. * I actually have to criticize the game makers, after a very short game error they blocked over 1000 games. I have been blocked from an old mega game they told me to start over present game. This is nothing to trifle with for sure. However post the game, I feel like I am being punished for continuing to play. The game is more difficult and slot machine items are grossly extorted causing unexplained absences lasting just long enough to deplete energy. Released an event today that lasts the week if you are not a whale you will not finish. Waiting on my first new million for my 20th 7☆ character. Happy fourth, Have a Explosive Night

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Thursday, June 23, 2016

World Journal Day 30

June 23, 2016 A man's house is his castle, in the days of old, castles protected large groups of people. Today would not be a good rendition of the noun. People tend to indicate living freely from one another. Home, a man's house is his home. * Mega still going Heroes Killing it Two Tier sevens Third started got gifted shards so Cool. Have a Great Night

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

World Journal Day 22

June 15 2016 Went to the mall today, not a good place to go if your trying to save money. Went because my ring was ready, nice to finally have it sized properly. It fits well and I am happy with it. Spent 16 cash on five movies, 1.50 on a coke. Not sorry I went just sorry money doesn't last longer. Mega is Fine, Heroes is Rolling conserving purples back to an earlier philosophy and an earlier experience now that my level has maxed out, no longer collecting exp, what 16 7☆ Characters, getting Obnoxious. Have a Nice Night

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Saturday, June 11, 2016

World Journal Day 18

June 11 2016 Haven't left the house today, no Matter it's the weekend. Trying to keep personal finances under control and not spend credit this month. The big bed was about the last of it. Paying back deters and maintaining proper stability is first on my mind now. * Heroes is Well, Still maintaining Mega though the site of a glitch sends me running. Having a Great Weekend things have slowed down now for the last couple weeks enjoying a more relaxed overall Schedule. Thank You, Have a Great Night

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Monday, June 6, 2016

World Journal Day 13

June 6 2016 get in a quicky, took the picture yesterday after hanging old bike. Life here progresses in a positive direction. Geeking out on Heroes doing real well picked up my 7☆ Doka today 1 million please 14 seven☆ Characters part of the reason my game is doing so well. Mega used to hold my attention link this nothing stays the same. Nice Night

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Friday, June 3, 2016

World Journal Day 10

June 3 2016 Greetings, Friday made it to another Weekend, been worried about my front tires on the truck. Long story short, purchased two new tires had them put on the back and rotated the backs to the front. Feels good to have four new tires. Payday, paid bills and looks like it's going to be a good month. Glad to have Blog up and running 250 views first week back, thank you. Have a Nice Evenings

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

World Journal Day 8

June 1 2016 Busy Day, didn't get back to the House until 630, still had GW Battles on Heroes before 730 reset. Did not make it got to the secound to last battle, completing it my time was up. Did not get my 36 battles in time. I do enjoy Heroes, as they say life comes first, I am just going to take a breath and enjoy what I have been able to accomplish. Level Eighty Cap Reached Tomorrow 52 Caracters 21 in eighth level gear. Game will probably slow down a little now that experience will no longer apply. Have a Great night. Picture is a home town solar plant being put in, I'm Impressed

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Monday, May 30, 2016

World Journal Day 6

May 30, 2016 Memorial Day Final Day in a three day weekend. Leveled up Yodas Gear to nine on Heroes, waiting on a guild store purchase for Luminars 9 Gear, Level 80 in two days, game caps out. Been a very Restfull weekend enjoying getting organized and relaxing. Back to taking time for blog every day, thank you, enjoying having this activity again. Been posting a blog for four plus years, read and enjoy. My Life in Brief, build for the blog or let the blog dictate the build. Have a Great Night

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Sunday, May 29, 2016

World Journal Day 5

May 29, 2016 Unexpected Power Outage today till about eight o'clock. Had already done all my damage earlier on Heroes. Spent today getting organized in the Basement, removed three mattresses and two box springs, original bed moved to fourth bedroom and created a linen closet in smoking room by adding a shelf to closet. One more day in three day weekend enjoy it. Have a Nice Night

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

World Journal Day 4

May 28, 2016 Hot Hot Humid outside, repositioned a couple of fans today, one in basement smoking room, and one blowing air conditioning out of living room into master bedroom. Got the new King Size bed today, Something nice for me and my girl looking forward to a Restfull future. Apologies this isn't my first draft the first one got eaten. Have a Good Night

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

World Journal Day 2

May 26, 2016 Summer Weather Outside new Air Conditioner inside. Making a Home of it based right here out of the living room. I Retired out of my late 20 early 30. No job don't need it, Retired fixed income 40 years of freedom before I get old. Heroes is capping out at level 80, 79 now enacted Guilds with this update honestly I got lucky and after a couple exits was able to find a good one. Mega, less than 150 neighbors on new game, not looking at more than 15 minutes a day and I gift. Biggest Improvment of the past week, getting my dryer working with someone who is an electrician, Thank You, Have a Nice Night

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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

World Journal Day 1

May 25, 2016 Hi and Welcome Back, I was wondering how this blog may be viewed in the future. A Daily Journal Documenting online gaming activities and Improvments around my House. I am playing two games Mega and Heroes, Mega for 4 or 5 years and Heroes for maybe 8 to 10 months since it stated. Just getting my feet wet here, stay tuned. Have a Great Night

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Thursday, April 28, 2016

World Journal

Please Continue to Hold, there will be an Additional month delay. Thank You

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Thursday, February 25, 2016

World Journal, Day 61

* Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, foot and a half snow fall in the last 36 hours, did not do a thing all day. Couple of Days ago was getting organized in the Basement and Staked these two TV Cabinets on top of each other. Slightly pulled my back, just enough to bother me. Today has been a Total online gaming day, even though my Mega game is new, girlfriend started her's several years ago along with an old game of mine that has now been deleted. There was a Timed Quest that started today, Been working her game and should be finished with it Tonight, same day, no Mega Bucks. Got Defeated on final battle of Galactic War in Heros. The ups and downs of gaming, really been a lazy day. Have a Grand Evening

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

World Journal, Day 60

* Looks Like only One Blog is Going to Work Here, I'm Good, please pay attention there will be a test at the end. 2016 Snow Storm of th Year Outside, will be Snowed in Tommorow. Not going anywhere, Heros and Megapolis games are fine, adding quite a few new faces to the latter. * Slow Drive for morning business, than an hour and a half at the Mall. Yesterday I Purchased a New Craftsman Lawn Tractor for getting my lawn back in shape. Very badly needed since the other one stopped working almost 2 years ago, and I have been struggling with my lawn ever since. Should be delived on Friday. Picture is the new location of the sewing machine after Girlfriend did her first stitches ever. Enjoy Your Evening

Sunday, February 21, 2016

World Journal, Day 57

* One Day Without Electricity, an Additional Day Without WiFi, Actually Been a real Relaxing Weekend, did not get very much done at all. Weather is Up, higher temperatures, Driveway is Soup, Second time this Winter. Looking forward to Spring, when it finally gets here for Real. Have a Nice Evening

Thursday, February 18, 2016

World Journal, Day 54

* Another Very Long Day, morning business, than an hour at the mall walking. After mall, stopped at Walmart and purchased a new sewing machine. Hoping to set up a craft room for my girlfriend and this is the first step. Also Drapes are currently pinned and need to be sewn properly. Presently keeping two blogs. This blog will contain improvements to my home as I begin my new life with the best girlfriend I have ever had. Have a Great Evening

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

World Journal, Day 53

* Greetings from the Land of the Lost, No not really, just getting used to a new posting schedule. Thought I would pick back up on the Home Improvement blog. Missed posting my final picture of the fish tank in place. * Day went well, morning routine than an hour at the mall, came back to town and stopped back buy a new thrift shop. Garage sale pricing and some great bargains, half way through the week already. Have a Nice Evening

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

World Journal, Day 45

* Started the Day off with a little fresh Snow, almost called it a day right away, but I Looked out over my front field and saw that the traffic was moving Okay. This is a Busy Week with Tommorow being the Busiest day, cold Tommorow, make it Through that and it will all be down hill, Dentist on Thursday. * Still walking regularly, getting familiar with my local Big Mall, Keep Enjoying a Hand Full of Novelty Shops that We Continue Returning Too. Enjoyed a Nice Lunch and Returned Home for a Late Afternoon Nap. Woke up about Seven and I knew I wanted to finish staining that fish tank cabinet. Got that stained along with three small tables and three phone stands. Definitely something I Been Meaning to do and Needed to be done. Didn't take that long once I got started. Enjoy Your Evening

Monday, February 8, 2016

World Journal, Day 44

* Running Real Late, when 10:30 Came around the battery on my camera phone was around 3%, gave it a quick charge and took the shot. Continuing to make progress on new tank stand, finished construction and tested the stain. Real happy with how that turned out. One more day Staining and an overnight Dry and that will be done. * I do own my home and have many future projects planned, Believe it or not it's not unusual for this little blog to get fifty views soon after posting. Amazing to me, Stay tuned for more progress on the big tank and a Summer Full of Home Projects. Thank You for Reading. Have a Amazing Evening

Sunday, February 7, 2016

World Journal, Day 43, Happy Super Bowl 50

* The Show Must Go On. Boring Game, Payton's Team Won, Who the fuck cares, boring as Hell. * Didn't wake up till Noon today, girlfriend woke up at One. Couple hour's on Heroes than two hours at the Store. Game wasn't on my TV, don't have CBS, watched it on CBS WiFi, boring as Hell, Stupid Asinine Game. Winner was determined before game began, the players did there part. The players just went though the motions, stupid macho entertainment, get a life. Have a Great Night

Saturday, February 6, 2016

World Journal, Day 42

* Classic Rest Day, Spent the first part of the day playing Hero's with my girl, a Good couple of hours, finished off stage 5 Hard Battles under Dark side, they are more difficult for me because Healers are few and far between. Did an Arena Battle Bringing me to an All time Best Standing of 59, waited a Little and it changed to 68, Did one more Battle and went to 62. Really Feel Like I am Good enough to be Top 50, battles at this Stage are Very Difficult to Beat, most players are loaded with big hitters. * Spent a Little more time on my new big tank cabinet, added sides, door, and first Shelf. One more day of nailing and I need to purchase a quart of stain. Had a Great Day. Enjoy Your Evening

Friday, February 5, 2016

World Journal, Day 41

* Can't Beat Friday for ending a long week, Looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend. Continuing work on the Stand for the big fish tank, had to shorten it to fit the tank. It is going to be a several stage project, looking forward to posting progress pictures. * As far as today, morning responsibilities than an hour at a specialty store. Hour nap than a nice Hamburger Helper for Dinner. Got that Script of Liquid Luck Yesterday, Feeling pretty relaxed. Need to Look for a Full Time Psychiatrist, not a Problem for me, my house is in a Relatively Rural Area, So I Need to Look for a Good One in the first Big City Over. In this Case it ends up Being Flint, Michigan. Have a Nice Evening

Thursday, February 4, 2016

World Journal, Day 40

* Hi, my name is Brian Carrier, and I am Anti War. So many of the Wars in our History are based on one Fact, control the Revenue Commodity of a Region. Drugs, Gold, Diamonds, Oil, Key Land Areas Controlling these Commodities. Weak men sit in Ivory towers deciding the fate of others. The Exclusive man verses man. Take this gun and shoot it if it moves. Reinforcing a Code of Honor to Those Comiting Sins Beyond Belief. A Government with an Army Will use It, Like a Child Playing with his Toys. Destroying Lives, Homes, and Families in the Name of some Biased Justice. War Bothers Me, when we are the invading army I put my Feet in there shoes. When the Reason is unjust it should be explained what the Real Reason is. Take from the Poor and give Big Bother Control. Somehow we can do a better job than you, sorry I killed everyone in your village with that bomb I Dropped from a hundred million dollar bomber. Enjoy Your Evening

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

World Journal, Day 39

* Like 65 Million Americans, Today was payday for me. Only get money once a month and it has always been my responsibility to manage it. Just got finished filling out my bills, what I have left is what I have to live on. In addition, Taxes on my House are do by the fifteenth. * Does the Blog Dictate the Journey or is Journey a Reflection in the Blog. Sometimes I Like to think if it's Writen Down, more Likely it will be Done. A Blueprint of an Adventure, Woven in Thought, Goals and Achievements, Responsibilities that are Solely mine. Tough month ahead, not a whole lot of money to work with, my consolation, February is a Short Month. I Will Survive. Enjoy Your Evening

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

World Journal, Day 38

* Wandering Down a Dark Damp Stone Covered Laberanth of a Hallway, Candelabra Lit in Hand. Watching Every Flame Lighted Shadow For a Brisk Spark of Spotted Light, Watching My Every Move. Looking Over me, Keeping me Safe, Keeping me Alive. For that Short Brief Moment in my Future History. That Moment that Changes Everything, a Brief Thought that Changes the History of Mankind. A Moment that Saves the Earth and Billions of Lives. Evil Exists, Waiting there to be Held in Place by a Higher Power, Waiting to be Questioned as to the Purpose of it. War, Suffering, Greed, Can a Corupt Evel Follower of Wrong Honestly Go On Without Being Kept in Place. Half a Million Dollar House, making Decisions over People Who Don't Even Eat Properly. I Got You, You are Protected! Enjoy Your Evening

Monday, February 1, 2016

World Journal, Day 37

* Quite an Amazing Day Really, Morning Responsibility than a trip to the Mall. Along the way took care of one big headache in the form of three month financing on a very nice TV. Finished paying it off Today, the salesman was exhausting. Half hour at the Mall, Half hour at Forman Mill. Came home, lunch than a two hour nap, woke up two hours on dishes than cleaned up floor till 11. Like I said an Amazing busy day. Enjoy Your Evening

Sunday, January 31, 2016

World Journal, Day 36

* Though this most recent Blog has Day 36 on It, I have been Keeping some kind of Daily Diary Journal for Almost 4 Years. 3 Years Posting About Megapolis, and most Recently About my life in General. Been Watching the BBC Episodes of Sherlock Holmes, in the first episode Watson is instructed by his therapist to Keep a Blog, for therapeutic reasons. That is So True, I can write anything I Want, tell you about my day, or write some profound statement about life in General. I very much Enjoy Sharing this with you, Thank You for Reading. Enjoy Your Evening

Saturday, January 30, 2016

World Journal, Day 35

* Into every Rainbow a Little Rain Must Fall. If you had any idea how complicated Life's Little Adventure becomes, mix in some bad, some regret, and a tussle of bad decisions, what do you get. A Plea for Help that can not be Resiprocated, mix in some resentment and You waited to long to ask, and Life Becomes Unbearable. Time Heals All Wounds, One Conversation and I Need Days to Recover, Into a dark place and with a Stream of Light Shinning. Embrace the Light Realize what it Is and hold onto Your Faith. Enjoy Your Evening

Friday, January 29, 2016

World Journal, Day 34

* Keep this Real Simple Tonight, Running Real Late. Great Day, Morning Business than an Hour Shopping, Got my Exersize, Feeling Better and more Refreshed. Stay Tuned, more later. Have a Great Evening

Thursday, January 28, 2016

World Journal, Day 33

* One More workday in this last Week of the first Month of 2016. Do not Rush me into my Old Age, my Life perhaps half over, perhaps the Best Years of my Life are ahead of me. Spent 2 1/2 Hours Shopping Today, honestly been slacking on the Walking this week, standing on my head Waiting for Payday at the Begining of each month. Once you start regular exercise, you feel sick getting away from it. One more day this week. Enjoy Your Evening

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

World Journal, Day 32

* I Suppose if I Did know Something It would be my Responsibility to Say. But why, Things are Going my Way, Justice will be Served, Evil will not Triumph when I have been given so much. The Force of good over bad is all encompassing, and given enough time evil only lasts a moment, Victory Triumphs forever. Have a Fine Evening

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

World Journal, Day 31

* Every Once in a While you need a Good Day, Spent 2 1/2 Hours at the Dentist Office. A Miracle was performed, I Really Didn't think was posible. Thought it was funny funny when the Asistant mistook what I Said for Pull Teeth, made a Big Deal out of it, I wasn't Kidding. What I Got was five Cavities filled on the Top Front and a Chip Repaired. A Brand New Front Grill, I Can Do a Full Smile and No Decay Showing "Miracle, Great Job, Very Happy". Spent the Rest of this evening celebrating. Have a Great Evening

Monday, January 25, 2016

World Journal, Day 30

* Keep this Quick, real tired long day. Thought I Would Post a Picture of Latest Top 5, or Potential Top Battle Team, Chewbacca and Ventures are Powered up but Lagging. Need a Better Team, Floating around Squad Rank 100. Have a Nice Evening

Sunday, January 24, 2016

World Journal, Day 29

* Had a Completely Relaxing, Quite Day, Never Left the House. Woke up about Noon, than after a While Decided to Continue with the Fish Tanks. Got the Turtle Tank where I wanted it, this opened up almost a full Wall in my Living Room. By the Time my girl and I were finished, everything was arranged differently. Nice, you have to do that once in a while, ended up with a Brand New Living Room. Still Need to hook up TV and put the Big Tank on it's New Stand, will need help lifting it, Stay Tuned. Enjoy Your Evening

Saturday, January 23, 2016

World Journal, Day 28

* Greetings From the Fish, Feline, and Fine Feathered Friends House, Not much happening on this Warmer rest day. After a most fantastic Lunch Brunch, enjoyed some blueberry pancakes with sausage, egg potatoes and tortia. Quick maybe 1 1/2 Hour project finishing sides and adding two shelves to an old Tank Stand, more later, going to be placing Turtles. Have a Great Evenig

Friday, January 22, 2016

World Journal, Day 27

* Can't Beat Friday for Bringing a week to an end, Quickly took care of the morning Duties then came Straight Home. Hour Nap till four than had a home visiter for an Hour. After Relaxing for a While, Desided to Start Working on a Project Consolidating two of my Fish Tanks. Moved the Smaller Tank Over to The Big One and gave up about 11 PM. More Work on that later, Opening Up a Wall in my Living Room. Enjoy Your Evening

Thursday, January 21, 2016

World Journal, Day 26

* Not a Bad Day, Early morning Responsibility than for a Forth Day in a Row a Trip to the Mall. This time it was a Dead mall called Cortland Center, Inside the mall there may only be eight or ten open shops. At this point there are more mall walkers than shoppers, you can tell because they are the ones warning tennis shoes and usually moving pretty fast. Spent an hour Shopping and walking, Grocery shopping than Home. Skipped the nap and moved a microwave table out of a basement room. Spent at least two hours getting Organized in the Kitchen, moving things around on the Shelves. Under the microwave, a nice selection of Cereal creating all kinds of new Space. Was on Liquid Luck All Day, Hopefully my Doctor can give me a Full time Script of that. Enjoy Your Evening

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

World Journal, Day 25

* Greetings from the House on the Hill, Busy Day. Started off with an early Morning, than my Girl and I Visited a Mall Near The Palace of Auburn Hills, Called Great Lakes Crossing. Now in Public I am just another Face in the Crowd. But I have Never Been Attacked by So Many Pushy kiosk Employees, at one point I told my girl not to even look at them, as we walked by not even noticing what they were selling. Amazing how quickly a sales person can go from nice to jerk, what a turn off. Walked for about an Hour. Came home, I took a three hour nap, than tried to get into season 8 of Dr. Who. To me I have always enjoyed Dr. Who, Solving problems with fast words and witty solutions. But I was extremely Disapointed with this final Season available to me. Filler Episode after Filler Episode, with a Moron Old Man Doctor, Not Funny, Not Appeallng, Solving Poorly Created Problems, with Solutions that are not entertaining. Watched one Episode in Season 8 and Skipped the Rest. They Destroyed my Favorite Show, Creating Some Kind of British Mystery Serial. Very Disapointed. * The Later part of my Evening turned into a Cleaning Frenzy after Giving up on Netflix Dr. Who. Enjoy Your Evening

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

World Journal, Day 24

* Given the Horrible Night of Sleep I had Last Night, I Would have expected this to be a Bad Day. Instead, There were times when I felt like I was on Liquid Luck, very very busy day, went smoothly and without complication. After morning responsibilities and a Dentist Apointment, "by the way now I Do Not Need a Root Canal", we Desided to Drive 50 Miles, into the Heart of Urban Sprall. We went to Visit a Real Mall, Lakeside in Macomb County, even visited a Lord a Tayler. Purchased two young Bamboo Sprouts for $3, "see picture". Fish again for Dinner Late, three Dr. Who episodes, and I am Wiped Out. Enjoy Your Evening

Monday, January 18, 2016

World Journal, Day 23

* Put words together, form a Sentence, String a Few Wise Statements Together. Use words to encourage or discorage, What Will it Be. Had a Good Day, Visited the Mall for an Hour Today, my Local Mall is getting Boring, need to find a New one. Got Home for a 3 Hour Nap, Tilapia for Dinner. Into the Final Season of Dr. Who on Net Flicks, Ending at the end of January, trying to catch the Episodes I Missed. Enjoy Your Evening