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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

World Journal Day 56

July 19 2016 not a lot happening, still life is good I'd rate it a 10. Mega continues, keep getting requests to join my group page so I'm still adding neighbors still less than 150 neighbors. Had recycling come and pick up my old car, it's gone now leaving a bare spot in the driveway, had no choice it was becoming an eye sore. * Heroes implemented a new mod system adding a customization feature to characters. I like it, finished all omegas on main battle team, just in time 7 ☆ Rey within 3 days. Note of interest my fiance started a Heroes game about three day ago, leveled to 25 today joined guild and fought her first raid, 200 damage. Good luck Everyone have a Nice Night

posted from Bloggeroid

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