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Thursday, February 25, 2016

World Journal, Day 61

* Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, foot and a half snow fall in the last 36 hours, did not do a thing all day. Couple of Days ago was getting organized in the Basement and Staked these two TV Cabinets on top of each other. Slightly pulled my back, just enough to bother me. Today has been a Total online gaming day, even though my Mega game is new, girlfriend started her's several years ago along with an old game of mine that has now been deleted. There was a Timed Quest that started today, Been working her game and should be finished with it Tonight, same day, no Mega Bucks. Got Defeated on final battle of Galactic War in Heros. The ups and downs of gaming, really been a lazy day. Have a Grand Evening

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