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Thursday, February 4, 2016

World Journal, Day 40

* Hi, my name is Brian Carrier, and I am Anti War. So many of the Wars in our History are based on one Fact, control the Revenue Commodity of a Region. Drugs, Gold, Diamonds, Oil, Key Land Areas Controlling these Commodities. Weak men sit in Ivory towers deciding the fate of others. The Exclusive man verses man. Take this gun and shoot it if it moves. Reinforcing a Code of Honor to Those Comiting Sins Beyond Belief. A Government with an Army Will use It, Like a Child Playing with his Toys. Destroying Lives, Homes, and Families in the Name of some Biased Justice. War Bothers Me, when we are the invading army I put my Feet in there shoes. When the Reason is unjust it should be explained what the Real Reason is. Take from the Poor and give Big Bother Control. Somehow we can do a better job than you, sorry I killed everyone in your village with that bomb I Dropped from a hundred million dollar bomber. Enjoy Your Evening

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