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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

World Journal, October 5, 2016

* October Already Christmas in Three Months, this is where I was last year, doing the same thing. Getting ready for Winter, Bills change drastically Electric Home. Electric Bills Shoot up to 300. Been a Great Year new baby son Life is Fantastic! * Heroes Rocks, Finished up with a doubles weekend, woke up sat morning with a revelation about the game. Anakin Had to be a new Priority. Flipped out a Five ☆ Anakin and not looking back. Now Wednesday and going into Conservation mode on purple crystals. First Tournament showing up for Heroes, Not like Megapolis though. Not much in it for me, Server fame, limiting overall fame. Remember I Led Two Megas in a row for North America fourth in World, Ten phones racking 20 Bucks every two days on Separate Transactions. Blocked and Forgotten Brian Carrier. Enjoy Your Day

posted from Bloggeroid

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