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Friday, November 27, 2015

World Journal, Day 39

* Day 39, 956 pm. est. Happy Retail Holiday to All of You. Almost time for Change. You will know When it happens. For now, still pursuing Castleville, but not with very much Enthusiast. My Game is Dead, I Remember Complaining that I Have not been getting Anything from my Adventures, We'll that getting Old. Been Waiting on Locks now for Six days. Amazing How Something small like that can put the game right in the garbage can. Still Waiting. For my New Facebook Friends I am Sorry, if I Quite I Will Unfriend All You and Probably Everybody else, Except maybe six People. Fact is I am Probably going to get my Computer up soon and Pursue WOW or Supercity. For now Absolutely Everything in Play store Looks Like Crap. Happy Black Friday

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