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Friday, November 13, 2015

World Journal, Day 25

* Day 25, 1034 pm. est. Hold that Thought, Feel Like I Got My Degree in Castleville Today. Was able to Join an Alliance. It Really Completes the Game, Answering All Those Questions, Like Why Do People Get into this Game So Much. There are Ongoing Conversations, Months old. Friendships Created Online, Over Months, Leaders and Contributers, People Who are Bosses, Only to Help Others. Great, Great, Fantastic. * Then, what do I do, Spend the Whole Day Working on my Tractor, Did Not Get a Whole Lot Done on the game at all. Perhaps this game still Supports that, Yep, Got My Gifts Out, Adventures Haven't Suffered and Basically Not Covering it every hour of the Day. Even More Reason to Like this Game. Have a Wonderful Night

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