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Sunday, November 15, 2015

World Journal, Day 27

* Day 27, 758 pm. est. Go Ahead and get this in Early, Apologies for missing my blog last nigjt, it was already 11 when I was Ready. Been Working Outside Around the House as of Late. Took me Three Days to Get my Tractor Ready. For the First time Today I Went into the Woods and got One Load of Fire Wood. My Body is Out of Shape, Not used to being Active, I want to get 2 Loads Tommorow. * Game is Fine, Been Finished with Megapolis for going on a Month, Build It was Even Easier to Walk Away From. This New One, Castleville, I am Going to Aproch with Interest, But Turning it Off For a Long Time All Day Long, to Work Around the House. Doesn't Seem to Be As Intensely Occupying As Previous Games. Enjoying It, Have Added Like 25 New Facebook Friends in the Last Week. Being Able to Send Out Adventurers for Eight Hours than Return for them is An Advantage. Have a Nice Night

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