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Thursday, February 25, 2016

World Journal, Day 61

* Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, foot and a half snow fall in the last 36 hours, did not do a thing all day. Couple of Days ago was getting organized in the Basement and Staked these two TV Cabinets on top of each other. Slightly pulled my back, just enough to bother me. Today has been a Total online gaming day, even though my Mega game is new, girlfriend started her's several years ago along with an old game of mine that has now been deleted. There was a Timed Quest that started today, Been working her game and should be finished with it Tonight, same day, no Mega Bucks. Got Defeated on final battle of Galactic War in Heros. The ups and downs of gaming, really been a lazy day. Have a Grand Evening

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

World Journal, Day 60

* Looks Like only One Blog is Going to Work Here, I'm Good, please pay attention there will be a test at the end. 2016 Snow Storm of th Year Outside, will be Snowed in Tommorow. Not going anywhere, Heros and Megapolis games are fine, adding quite a few new faces to the latter. * Slow Drive for morning business, than an hour and a half at the Mall. Yesterday I Purchased a New Craftsman Lawn Tractor for getting my lawn back in shape. Very badly needed since the other one stopped working almost 2 years ago, and I have been struggling with my lawn ever since. Should be delived on Friday. Picture is the new location of the sewing machine after Girlfriend did her first stitches ever. Enjoy Your Evening

Sunday, February 21, 2016

World Journal, Day 57

* One Day Without Electricity, an Additional Day Without WiFi, Actually Been a real Relaxing Weekend, did not get very much done at all. Weather is Up, higher temperatures, Driveway is Soup, Second time this Winter. Looking forward to Spring, when it finally gets here for Real. Have a Nice Evening

Thursday, February 18, 2016

World Journal, Day 54

* Another Very Long Day, morning business, than an hour at the mall walking. After mall, stopped at Walmart and purchased a new sewing machine. Hoping to set up a craft room for my girlfriend and this is the first step. Also Drapes are currently pinned and need to be sewn properly. Presently keeping two blogs. This blog will contain improvements to my home as I begin my new life with the best girlfriend I have ever had. Have a Great Evening

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

World Journal, Day 53

* Greetings from the Land of the Lost, No not really, just getting used to a new posting schedule. Thought I would pick back up on the Home Improvement blog. Missed posting my final picture of the fish tank in place. * Day went well, morning routine than an hour at the mall, came back to town and stopped back buy a new thrift shop. Garage sale pricing and some great bargains, half way through the week already. Have a Nice Evening

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

World Journal, Day 45

* Started the Day off with a little fresh Snow, almost called it a day right away, but I Looked out over my front field and saw that the traffic was moving Okay. This is a Busy Week with Tommorow being the Busiest day, cold Tommorow, make it Through that and it will all be down hill, Dentist on Thursday. * Still walking regularly, getting familiar with my local Big Mall, Keep Enjoying a Hand Full of Novelty Shops that We Continue Returning Too. Enjoyed a Nice Lunch and Returned Home for a Late Afternoon Nap. Woke up about Seven and I knew I wanted to finish staining that fish tank cabinet. Got that stained along with three small tables and three phone stands. Definitely something I Been Meaning to do and Needed to be done. Didn't take that long once I got started. Enjoy Your Evening

Monday, February 8, 2016

World Journal, Day 44

* Running Real Late, when 10:30 Came around the battery on my camera phone was around 3%, gave it a quick charge and took the shot. Continuing to make progress on new tank stand, finished construction and tested the stain. Real happy with how that turned out. One more day Staining and an overnight Dry and that will be done. * I do own my home and have many future projects planned, Believe it or not it's not unusual for this little blog to get fifty views soon after posting. Amazing to me, Stay tuned for more progress on the big tank and a Summer Full of Home Projects. Thank You for Reading. Have a Amazing Evening

Sunday, February 7, 2016

World Journal, Day 43, Happy Super Bowl 50

* The Show Must Go On. Boring Game, Payton's Team Won, Who the fuck cares, boring as Hell. * Didn't wake up till Noon today, girlfriend woke up at One. Couple hour's on Heroes than two hours at the Store. Game wasn't on my TV, don't have CBS, watched it on CBS WiFi, boring as Hell, Stupid Asinine Game. Winner was determined before game began, the players did there part. The players just went though the motions, stupid macho entertainment, get a life. Have a Great Night

Saturday, February 6, 2016

World Journal, Day 42

* Classic Rest Day, Spent the first part of the day playing Hero's with my girl, a Good couple of hours, finished off stage 5 Hard Battles under Dark side, they are more difficult for me because Healers are few and far between. Did an Arena Battle Bringing me to an All time Best Standing of 59, waited a Little and it changed to 68, Did one more Battle and went to 62. Really Feel Like I am Good enough to be Top 50, battles at this Stage are Very Difficult to Beat, most players are loaded with big hitters. * Spent a Little more time on my new big tank cabinet, added sides, door, and first Shelf. One more day of nailing and I need to purchase a quart of stain. Had a Great Day. Enjoy Your Evening

Friday, February 5, 2016

World Journal, Day 41

* Can't Beat Friday for ending a long week, Looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend. Continuing work on the Stand for the big fish tank, had to shorten it to fit the tank. It is going to be a several stage project, looking forward to posting progress pictures. * As far as today, morning responsibilities than an hour at a specialty store. Hour nap than a nice Hamburger Helper for Dinner. Got that Script of Liquid Luck Yesterday, Feeling pretty relaxed. Need to Look for a Full Time Psychiatrist, not a Problem for me, my house is in a Relatively Rural Area, So I Need to Look for a Good One in the first Big City Over. In this Case it ends up Being Flint, Michigan. Have a Nice Evening

Thursday, February 4, 2016

World Journal, Day 40

* Hi, my name is Brian Carrier, and I am Anti War. So many of the Wars in our History are based on one Fact, control the Revenue Commodity of a Region. Drugs, Gold, Diamonds, Oil, Key Land Areas Controlling these Commodities. Weak men sit in Ivory towers deciding the fate of others. The Exclusive man verses man. Take this gun and shoot it if it moves. Reinforcing a Code of Honor to Those Comiting Sins Beyond Belief. A Government with an Army Will use It, Like a Child Playing with his Toys. Destroying Lives, Homes, and Families in the Name of some Biased Justice. War Bothers Me, when we are the invading army I put my Feet in there shoes. When the Reason is unjust it should be explained what the Real Reason is. Take from the Poor and give Big Bother Control. Somehow we can do a better job than you, sorry I killed everyone in your village with that bomb I Dropped from a hundred million dollar bomber. Enjoy Your Evening

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

World Journal, Day 39

* Like 65 Million Americans, Today was payday for me. Only get money once a month and it has always been my responsibility to manage it. Just got finished filling out my bills, what I have left is what I have to live on. In addition, Taxes on my House are do by the fifteenth. * Does the Blog Dictate the Journey or is Journey a Reflection in the Blog. Sometimes I Like to think if it's Writen Down, more Likely it will be Done. A Blueprint of an Adventure, Woven in Thought, Goals and Achievements, Responsibilities that are Solely mine. Tough month ahead, not a whole lot of money to work with, my consolation, February is a Short Month. I Will Survive. Enjoy Your Evening

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

World Journal, Day 38

* Wandering Down a Dark Damp Stone Covered Laberanth of a Hallway, Candelabra Lit in Hand. Watching Every Flame Lighted Shadow For a Brisk Spark of Spotted Light, Watching My Every Move. Looking Over me, Keeping me Safe, Keeping me Alive. For that Short Brief Moment in my Future History. That Moment that Changes Everything, a Brief Thought that Changes the History of Mankind. A Moment that Saves the Earth and Billions of Lives. Evil Exists, Waiting there to be Held in Place by a Higher Power, Waiting to be Questioned as to the Purpose of it. War, Suffering, Greed, Can a Corupt Evel Follower of Wrong Honestly Go On Without Being Kept in Place. Half a Million Dollar House, making Decisions over People Who Don't Even Eat Properly. I Got You, You are Protected! Enjoy Your Evening

Monday, February 1, 2016

World Journal, Day 37

* Quite an Amazing Day Really, Morning Responsibility than a trip to the Mall. Along the way took care of one big headache in the form of three month financing on a very nice TV. Finished paying it off Today, the salesman was exhausting. Half hour at the Mall, Half hour at Forman Mill. Came home, lunch than a two hour nap, woke up two hours on dishes than cleaned up floor till 11. Like I said an Amazing busy day. Enjoy Your Evening