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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Ultimate World Journal, October 12, 2016

* Hi, my name is Brian Carrier, 47 Years Retired. Own my home and property, and use this Blog as an outlet for my cynical nature of the World around me and how I see It. Journals like this stand the test of time because they describe a person in the presence of there surrounding. My case life as an online gamer living here in Michigan. At this point not sure way it's so important to post daily but will post if I have somthing to say. * Heroes rocks, even before I finished yesterday I had gotten notice that the level cap was here. So now continuing to Level 85, fresh boards everywhere at level and plenty of new equipment and higher level gear. Looks to me like they add 1000 experience to every level so 75 to 76 is 11000 80 to 81 is 16000 will take significant time to Level up naturally and even more difficult to pay for it. If it takes a week a level up 5 weeks, game's one year old this Thanksgiving. Have a Trust is Earned Evening

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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Ultimate World Journal, October 11, 2016

* Feel like I have everything I need right now, Blog Post Views shot up last week, went back and found all the old post and linked them to a new Web Page. All I was looking for was a way to post these pictures to pintrest. Which I was successful. What I ended up with was a 4 volume library dating back 2 3 years to my very first blog post. I'm Impressed! * Heroes Rocks looking forward to some changes on the game. Possible ships and a Possible increase in level to 85. Game turns one this Thanksgiving, played Mega Continually for four years dead now this Newby game needs to stand the test of time. It needs individual leader boards listing credits, arena wins, gw nodes, and maybe dark side energies and alike. Adding a Ribbon of Honor to those playing continually. Half way to 6 ☆ Anakin one piece of equipment to go for ninth level gear. A purple ten. Have a heavy heavy hanges over your head night

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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

World Journal, October 5, 2016

* October Already Christmas in Three Months, this is where I was last year, doing the same thing. Getting ready for Winter, Bills change drastically Electric Home. Electric Bills Shoot up to 300. Been a Great Year new baby son Life is Fantastic! * Heroes Rocks, Finished up with a doubles weekend, woke up sat morning with a revelation about the game. Anakin Had to be a new Priority. Flipped out a Five ☆ Anakin and not looking back. Now Wednesday and going into Conservation mode on purple crystals. First Tournament showing up for Heroes, Not like Megapolis though. Not much in it for me, Server fame, limiting overall fame. Remember I Led Two Megas in a row for North America fourth in World, Ten phones racking 20 Bucks every two days on Separate Transactions. Blocked and Forgotten Brian Carrier. Enjoy Your Day

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