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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

World Journal, Day 10

* Another day in the Life of Brian, Some appointments earlier in the day, Quick lunch at McDonalds, than a Slow Afternoon with an hour Nap. Not a Lot Happening, Got Bills Paid. Looking Forward to a Long Month with not a Lot of Money. Having to Pay Taxes on my House Doesn't Help + An Electric Bill that Includes Electric Heat. Have to make it Through the Winter, Should Be Coming Out of Debt at the Begining of Next Summer. Also just Had a Truck Repair that was $600.00, not Easy Living Month to Month. Last Minute Improvment for the day, Pulled a Shoe Tree out the Attic, and Got one of my Closets Better Organized, now I can put the Vacume back in there. Have a Happily Ever After Evening

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