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Sunday, January 31, 2016

World Journal, Day 36

* Though this most recent Blog has Day 36 on It, I have been Keeping some kind of Daily Diary Journal for Almost 4 Years. 3 Years Posting About Megapolis, and most Recently About my life in General. Been Watching the BBC Episodes of Sherlock Holmes, in the first episode Watson is instructed by his therapist to Keep a Blog, for therapeutic reasons. That is So True, I can write anything I Want, tell you about my day, or write some profound statement about life in General. I very much Enjoy Sharing this with you, Thank You for Reading. Enjoy Your Evening

Saturday, January 30, 2016

World Journal, Day 35

* Into every Rainbow a Little Rain Must Fall. If you had any idea how complicated Life's Little Adventure becomes, mix in some bad, some regret, and a tussle of bad decisions, what do you get. A Plea for Help that can not be Resiprocated, mix in some resentment and You waited to long to ask, and Life Becomes Unbearable. Time Heals All Wounds, One Conversation and I Need Days to Recover, Into a dark place and with a Stream of Light Shinning. Embrace the Light Realize what it Is and hold onto Your Faith. Enjoy Your Evening

Friday, January 29, 2016

World Journal, Day 34

* Keep this Real Simple Tonight, Running Real Late. Great Day, Morning Business than an Hour Shopping, Got my Exersize, Feeling Better and more Refreshed. Stay Tuned, more later. Have a Great Evening

Thursday, January 28, 2016

World Journal, Day 33

* One More workday in this last Week of the first Month of 2016. Do not Rush me into my Old Age, my Life perhaps half over, perhaps the Best Years of my Life are ahead of me. Spent 2 1/2 Hours Shopping Today, honestly been slacking on the Walking this week, standing on my head Waiting for Payday at the Begining of each month. Once you start regular exercise, you feel sick getting away from it. One more day this week. Enjoy Your Evening

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

World Journal, Day 32

* I Suppose if I Did know Something It would be my Responsibility to Say. But why, Things are Going my Way, Justice will be Served, Evil will not Triumph when I have been given so much. The Force of good over bad is all encompassing, and given enough time evil only lasts a moment, Victory Triumphs forever. Have a Fine Evening

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

World Journal, Day 31

* Every Once in a While you need a Good Day, Spent 2 1/2 Hours at the Dentist Office. A Miracle was performed, I Really Didn't think was posible. Thought it was funny funny when the Asistant mistook what I Said for Pull Teeth, made a Big Deal out of it, I wasn't Kidding. What I Got was five Cavities filled on the Top Front and a Chip Repaired. A Brand New Front Grill, I Can Do a Full Smile and No Decay Showing "Miracle, Great Job, Very Happy". Spent the Rest of this evening celebrating. Have a Great Evening

Monday, January 25, 2016

World Journal, Day 30

* Keep this Quick, real tired long day. Thought I Would Post a Picture of Latest Top 5, or Potential Top Battle Team, Chewbacca and Ventures are Powered up but Lagging. Need a Better Team, Floating around Squad Rank 100. Have a Nice Evening

Sunday, January 24, 2016

World Journal, Day 29

* Had a Completely Relaxing, Quite Day, Never Left the House. Woke up about Noon, than after a While Decided to Continue with the Fish Tanks. Got the Turtle Tank where I wanted it, this opened up almost a full Wall in my Living Room. By the Time my girl and I were finished, everything was arranged differently. Nice, you have to do that once in a while, ended up with a Brand New Living Room. Still Need to hook up TV and put the Big Tank on it's New Stand, will need help lifting it, Stay Tuned. Enjoy Your Evening

Saturday, January 23, 2016

World Journal, Day 28

* Greetings From the Fish, Feline, and Fine Feathered Friends House, Not much happening on this Warmer rest day. After a most fantastic Lunch Brunch, enjoyed some blueberry pancakes with sausage, egg potatoes and tortia. Quick maybe 1 1/2 Hour project finishing sides and adding two shelves to an old Tank Stand, more later, going to be placing Turtles. Have a Great Evenig

Friday, January 22, 2016

World Journal, Day 27

* Can't Beat Friday for Bringing a week to an end, Quickly took care of the morning Duties then came Straight Home. Hour Nap till four than had a home visiter for an Hour. After Relaxing for a While, Desided to Start Working on a Project Consolidating two of my Fish Tanks. Moved the Smaller Tank Over to The Big One and gave up about 11 PM. More Work on that later, Opening Up a Wall in my Living Room. Enjoy Your Evening

Thursday, January 21, 2016

World Journal, Day 26

* Not a Bad Day, Early morning Responsibility than for a Forth Day in a Row a Trip to the Mall. This time it was a Dead mall called Cortland Center, Inside the mall there may only be eight or ten open shops. At this point there are more mall walkers than shoppers, you can tell because they are the ones warning tennis shoes and usually moving pretty fast. Spent an hour Shopping and walking, Grocery shopping than Home. Skipped the nap and moved a microwave table out of a basement room. Spent at least two hours getting Organized in the Kitchen, moving things around on the Shelves. Under the microwave, a nice selection of Cereal creating all kinds of new Space. Was on Liquid Luck All Day, Hopefully my Doctor can give me a Full time Script of that. Enjoy Your Evening

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

World Journal, Day 25

* Greetings from the House on the Hill, Busy Day. Started off with an early Morning, than my Girl and I Visited a Mall Near The Palace of Auburn Hills, Called Great Lakes Crossing. Now in Public I am just another Face in the Crowd. But I have Never Been Attacked by So Many Pushy kiosk Employees, at one point I told my girl not to even look at them, as we walked by not even noticing what they were selling. Amazing how quickly a sales person can go from nice to jerk, what a turn off. Walked for about an Hour. Came home, I took a three hour nap, than tried to get into season 8 of Dr. Who. To me I have always enjoyed Dr. Who, Solving problems with fast words and witty solutions. But I was extremely Disapointed with this final Season available to me. Filler Episode after Filler Episode, with a Moron Old Man Doctor, Not Funny, Not Appeallng, Solving Poorly Created Problems, with Solutions that are not entertaining. Watched one Episode in Season 8 and Skipped the Rest. They Destroyed my Favorite Show, Creating Some Kind of British Mystery Serial. Very Disapointed. * The Later part of my Evening turned into a Cleaning Frenzy after Giving up on Netflix Dr. Who. Enjoy Your Evening

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

World Journal, Day 24

* Given the Horrible Night of Sleep I had Last Night, I Would have expected this to be a Bad Day. Instead, There were times when I felt like I was on Liquid Luck, very very busy day, went smoothly and without complication. After morning responsibilities and a Dentist Apointment, "by the way now I Do Not Need a Root Canal", we Desided to Drive 50 Miles, into the Heart of Urban Sprall. We went to Visit a Real Mall, Lakeside in Macomb County, even visited a Lord a Tayler. Purchased two young Bamboo Sprouts for $3, "see picture". Fish again for Dinner Late, three Dr. Who episodes, and I am Wiped Out. Enjoy Your Evening

Monday, January 18, 2016

World Journal, Day 23

* Put words together, form a Sentence, String a Few Wise Statements Together. Use words to encourage or discorage, What Will it Be. Had a Good Day, Visited the Mall for an Hour Today, my Local Mall is getting Boring, need to find a New one. Got Home for a 3 Hour Nap, Tilapia for Dinner. Into the Final Season of Dr. Who on Net Flicks, Ending at the end of January, trying to catch the Episodes I Missed. Enjoy Your Evening

Sunday, January 17, 2016

World Journal, Day 22

* As I Continue my Journal Know this, You may not Realize, I Know things that I Shouldn't, Because I Believe it, that Makes it True to me. I may Only be a Middle Age man, but my Life has meaning, I Matter. I have the Power of the Writen Word, and Powers on my Side, I can never say. I am not Alone. Had a Great Day, Detailed Around the new location of the China Cabnet, fixed the table and moved the Chandelier. Enjoy Your Evening

World Journal, Day 21

* What is Today, Sunday, I Should be Resting. Instead, It Occurs to me that Being Consistent with my Journal is Important to me, So here goes. It was 1130 last night when I realized I hadn't posted. So I made a mental note to post Today, Sorry, Been getting tired in the Evening. Anyways, had some company over yesterday to help me move a big China Cabinet from the Basement to the Kitchen, I Like the Final Result. Enjoy Your Day

Saturday, January 16, 2016

World Journal, Day 20

* Get in a Quicky Here, Fell Asleep Before 12 Last Night. Very Active Day Yesterday, Visited the Flint Cultural Center. Kind of a Cool Place, Museums, Planetarium, and Theaters. Still Trying to Walk, Shop for an Hour Every Day, I Think Gift Shops Count. Have a Nice Day

Thursday, January 14, 2016

World Journal, Day 19

* Or should I say, Journal of my World. Who Am I, No One Special, Only saved the Earth Once, Back in 2012, haven't done anything Lately, is that Enough to make me Special? Documenter, Scribe, Time Keeper, None of this seem Special. Consistent Diary Writer, Ah that's it. If you want to know what I am thinking, check the Blog. Enjoy Your Evening

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

World Journal, Day 18

* Did Not Want to Wake Up Today, Set the 10 minute Snooze for Nearly an Hour. Once I Did Wake Up it Was Full Steam Ahead. Great Day, Morning Responsibility, than an Hour Stroll Through Local Walmart. Went Quick, New Video at Home, than a Nice nap till after 6. Dinner was Pizza, After Dinner a Game of Monopoly with my Girl. Turned Out to be a Great Day. Enjoy Your Evening

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

World Journal, Day 17

* You Know when you are an Adult, You are Responsible to Do the Right thing. Now, there was Snow last night All the way till this Morning. I would only Assume that the Roads were Covered. Don't know, Never Left the House. My Point is the World Makes Demands on All of Us, Do this, Be Here then. Being a Responsible Adult Means Making Wise Decisions for Your Own Well Being. Enough Said! The World Can Just Wait! for now, had a nice relaxing day. Have a Nice Evening

Monday, January 11, 2016

World Journal, Day 16

* Quick Morning out on icy Roads, Guess they Closed my towns Schools this Morning, Because of the Cold. Didn't Stop Us, Quick Morning than a Trip to the Grocery. Came Home, two Hour Nap, than Burritos and Chips for Dinner. Mostly a Restfull Day, Still have a Long Week Ahead. Dentist Tommorow, Something I Have to Do, and has Needed to be Done. Will Feel Much Better about my Teeth if they Can Fix them. Enjoy Your Evening

Sunday, January 10, 2016

World Journal, Day 15

* Got to Love the Girlfriend that Loves to Bake, Go Ahead and Fill the Counter with All Kinds of Cookies, Cupcakes, Brownies, and Muffins. I'll buy them, You Bake Them, Love Having Sweet Treats Around! Spent Saturday and Sunday Without Leaving the House, Feels Like Being a Shut in, The Resent Snow Doesn't Help. Another Restfull Day with Cleaning mixed in, Three Loads of Laundry, Dishes, and Vacuming. Preparing for a Very Long Week of Apointments, Including Mr. Dentist. Embarking on the Adventure of a Lifetime, Stay Tuned for more Details. Have a The Stars Have No Limits Evening

Saturday, January 9, 2016

World Journal, Day 14

* Actually Had a Day were I didn't Leave the House. One O'clock Wake Up, and Pancakes by Three. Don't get me Wrong, for a Restfull Day, got a Lot Done. My girl Switched Phones, and I got Garbage Burned. Falling into a Weekend Cleaning Routine that is Purposeful and Productive, not to mention Improving Based on my Three Improvments a Day Rule. Amazing how Cleaning Up After a Project Continues to Be a Improvment of the day, based on Things Need to Be Organized. Had a Great Day. Relish in Your Evening

Friday, January 8, 2016

World Journal, Day 13

* Time is a Fickle Find, when you are children the World is Yours, Surrounded by the Best Friends you will ever have in Your Life. You Grow up Become Adults and Grow Away from those Best Friends. Ten Years go by, Twenty, Thirty, You get Old, hand Full of Friends and the Posabilities of a Lifetime Seem Less Abundant. My Advise, Be Happy With Your Life, Suround Yourself with Good People, fill your Life with Great Memories and Be Happy. Enjoy Your Evening

Thursday, January 7, 2016

World Journal, Day 12

* Greetings from the Dragon Reign House, Not a Lot Happening, Quick Morning With an Hour Mall Trip. Found a New Walmart today, Big Over Sized Store with Extra Wide aisles. Was Looking for a New Grill for Pancakes, found it 18.97 + Tax. Mostly a Restfull Day Watching a Nicolas Cage Movie, Stolen, It Defiantly has my Attention. Have a Nice Evening

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

World Journal, Day 11

* Busy, Busy, Busy, taking it all in Stride, Know what needs to be done and getting it Done. All that and a 3 1/2 Hour Nap till 6. Hump Day right, that Means the week is half Over. Not Sure what I'm Looking Forward too but a Couple of Free Days Sound Good. Getting to Know my Girl a Little Better, A Couple of Hours Relaxing with no music, no tv, Quite, Relaxed, Laid Back, Just the way I Like it. Quick Scrounge in the Kitchen for Dinner, and I Decided to get the Movie Collection Better Organized, Deleted A Stereo, Speakers, and Created a Bunch of Space for More Movies. Have a Laid Back Evening

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

World Journal, Day 10

* Another day in the Life of Brian, Some appointments earlier in the day, Quick lunch at McDonalds, than a Slow Afternoon with an hour Nap. Not a Lot Happening, Got Bills Paid. Looking Forward to a Long Month with not a Lot of Money. Having to Pay Taxes on my House Doesn't Help + An Electric Bill that Includes Electric Heat. Have to make it Through the Winter, Should Be Coming Out of Debt at the Begining of Next Summer. Also just Had a Truck Repair that was $600.00, not Easy Living Month to Month. Last Minute Improvment for the day, Pulled a Shoe Tree out the Attic, and Got one of my Closets Better Organized, now I can put the Vacume back in there. Have a Happily Ever After Evening

Monday, January 4, 2016

World Journal, Day 9

* Today went by very Quickly, Mall trip for an Hour of Shopping, than back Home for a two Hour Nap. Improvment of the Day, a 10.00 Star Wars Shirt half price. Spent some time cleaning up a went Ahead and Shaved. Great Zesty Chicken Breast Dinner with a Baked Potato, Rice and Corn. Compliments of my Girl. Still Need to Get my Monthy Bills Paid, find Twenty Minutes. Have a Would Not Change it For the World Evening

Sunday, January 3, 2016

World Journal, Day 8

* Working on Eight Days Since I Started my New Blog Count. Really Trying to Stay Consistent, this Blog Started Some Three Years Ago as a Diary of my Daily Activities on the Online Game Megapolis. Nothing was ment to Last Forever and Megapolis Came and Went. Many Many Facebook Friend Have Come and Gone as Well. As of a Couple Days Ago went ahead and Paid for Star Wars Lego Saga, a Game I am Familiar with Because I have Previously Played It, Very Good Game, Doesn't have anything to do with Social Networking. The Star Wars Heros game I am Playing is Quickly Maxing out, Level 59 waiting to Max Out on 60, Getting Old After a Month of play and Arena Battles are Slanted anyways. Another fast Day, Spent Three Hours Working on a Project Today, Here to Report not a Single thing went Wrong, Went Perfectly. Posting a picture of a TV Set I Set up in my First Bedroom Today. Have a Time to Relaxe Evening

Saturday, January 2, 2016

World Journal, Day 7

* Running Late, Just got back from a Crappie Experience at a Local Hotel Bar. Overpriced, Poor Atmosphere, Poor WiFi and Sorry I can't turn Up the Pistons Game. Mostly a Cleaning Day, Don't Think the House has ever been Cleaner or more Organized. Posting a picture of the new Curtain In the bath. 5 Loads of Laundry. Enjoy Your Evening

Friday, January 1, 2016

World Journal, Day 6

* A Very Long Shopping Excursion Today, 5 Stops Total, Got Paid and Took Care of Some Monthly Purchases, Tobacco, Tubes, Drink. Now that there is a Girlfriend I am Also Fixing up Some of the Things around My House, New Kitchen Towels, Drapes for the Kitchen Window, "see picture". Also got a New Liner and Bath Curtain, "Red", and a new Laundry Basket for Bathroom. All and All a Very Good Begining for a Fresh Start to a New Year. Enjoy Your Evening