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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

World Journal, Day 9

* Day 9, 932 pm. est. Been Giving Facebook a Break for the Last Couple Days, Not Sending out any Friend Requests, Not Sure that is Going to Continue. What I did not Realize, is that you have to Log off Facebook, than Back in to get new Neighbors on Build It. Added a New Neighbor than Deleted her by mistake because I did not realize this. * Megapolis has a New Scedual, I Log on, give gifts, than make sure that I get back on within 8 hours to finish for the Day, that way when I Log on Again the Next Day, I have Fresh Gifts. * Build It was Okay today, not Getting Very Many Expansion, and Warehouse Gifts from Bubbles, maybe there are more when you first begin the Game, maybe got five All Day. Begining to be Able to Build the Advanced Buildings, to the Best of my Ability, they Need to Be Built Within the Perameters of Entertainment and Gambling HQ. Have a How Long Do You Think Build It Will Last Night

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