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Sunday, October 25, 2015

World Journal, Day 6

* Day 5, 956 pm. est. I Sware, 5 Minutes this Morning, and 5 Minutes this Evening, is all it Took to Maintain my New Megapolis Game. All 35 of my Neighbors Got a Gift, and there is Nothing to Do. When SQ Blocked my Game, they Stole It From Me. 16 Hour Days, One Hundred Dollars a Month, 510 Neighbors, Stolen From Me in the Dark of 440 am. Mugged and Beaten without a Trial, Without an Apeal. It is a Criminal theft Which will go unchecked in the Great Span of a Lifetime. * On a Brighter Note, I have Been Working Hard at My New Build It Game, Haven't Spent a Single Sim Cash and I Have Consistent 99% Happiness. Got my Entertainment HQ Today, 60,000, which was today's Goal. Please Bare with me, Megapolis is All About Paying for Your Game, IE Mega Bucks, Neighbors, Expansions, Transactions. Only to be Turned off with the Flip of a Switch. Megapolis Started with 126 MB, got 15 for World Competition, Spent 7 on Expansion, new Total 134. Have a I Did Find Something Else to Do Evening

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