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Friday, October 30, 2015

World Journal, Day 11

* Day 11, 952 pm. est. Kind of an Off Day Today, Was my Original Plan to Get the Cultural Center Today, 80,000. Did Not Accomplish my goal. Instead, Early on I Spent 30,000 on Something, I Don't Remember, Road Improvements, Than Late, Desided to Set Up a New Residential Zone. Got my Warehouse and the Expansion I Wanted. Still haven't Spent Any Sims Cash On Game. As Far as I Can Tell, this Game has very little to do with paying for your game. As Compared to Megapolis, Which is All About Money. With Megapolis, You Turn it On, the First thing it Does is Throw the Mega Buck Deal in Your Face. Than it Gives you the Sales items you can buy with your Mega Bucks. Like I said, All about It. Have a Free Evening

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