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Friday, October 30, 2015

World Journal, Day 11

* Day 11, 952 pm. est. Kind of an Off Day Today, Was my Original Plan to Get the Cultural Center Today, 80,000. Did Not Accomplish my goal. Instead, Early on I Spent 30,000 on Something, I Don't Remember, Road Improvements, Than Late, Desided to Set Up a New Residential Zone. Got my Warehouse and the Expansion I Wanted. Still haven't Spent Any Sims Cash On Game. As Far as I Can Tell, this Game has very little to do with paying for your game. As Compared to Megapolis, Which is All About Money. With Megapolis, You Turn it On, the First thing it Does is Throw the Mega Buck Deal in Your Face. Than it Gives you the Sales items you can buy with your Mega Bucks. Like I said, All about It. Have a Free Evening

Thursday, October 29, 2015

World Journal, Day 10

* Day 10, 1008 pm. est. Wow, Did Not Realize it was So Late Already. Completely Engulfed Myself in the Game, All Day. Can't Seem to get Away from it. That's my Problem, Glad the Game can Support it. Falling into a Three Six hour Day Pattern, Since the keys are Available Ever Six hours, that is What I Do, three Keys a Day, for Now. Got my first Beach Building, 16 Keys, Beach Shopping. Most of the Day was Concentrated on Making Sure I had the Best Posible, Sewage, Electric, and Recycling Center. No Area of Contamination. Happy With Today. Have a Be Happy Evening

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

World Journal, Day 9

* Day 9, 932 pm. est. Been Giving Facebook a Break for the Last Couple Days, Not Sending out any Friend Requests, Not Sure that is Going to Continue. What I did not Realize, is that you have to Log off Facebook, than Back in to get new Neighbors on Build It. Added a New Neighbor than Deleted her by mistake because I did not realize this. * Megapolis has a New Scedual, I Log on, give gifts, than make sure that I get back on within 8 hours to finish for the Day, that way when I Log on Again the Next Day, I have Fresh Gifts. * Build It was Okay today, not Getting Very Many Expansion, and Warehouse Gifts from Bubbles, maybe there are more when you first begin the Game, maybe got five All Day. Begining to be Able to Build the Advanced Buildings, to the Best of my Ability, they Need to Be Built Within the Perameters of Entertainment and Gambling HQ. Have a How Long Do You Think Build It Will Last Night

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

World Journal, Day 8

* Day 8, 938 pm. est. The est Stands For Eastern Standard Time. Quiet Day, didn't Wake Up till After 11, After my Megapolis Game got blocked, I am Getting used to a new Scedual. * Starting to get Used to the Game Play on Build It, Basically I Have a Construction Area, than I Reset Everything for a Half Hour that is Unreasonable. That Boils it Down to one or two Buildings to Work on. Meanwhile I Work on the Items for the Keys. I am What, Eight days into this new Game, Definitely Coming up with a System. Accomplished my Goal of Obtaining the Gambling HQ, 70,000. Have a Nothing Ever Lasts Forever Night I Always Wondered How Megapolis Would End

Monday, October 26, 2015

World Journal, Day 7

* Day 7, 938 pm. est. Again it Goes Back to Write What You Know. Under this Circumstance, What I Know is, Sim City Build It, for Me to hold Back, and Continue Writing about Megapolis would be a Lie. That Game was Stolen from me, and I Will never get it back. For My Neighbors from Megapolis, I Will be Maintaining my Game, But again Today, Ten Minutes this morning, Five minutes this evening. Hardly Worth Spending A Dime On. Boring as Heck, And A Real Burden After Three Years. * As for my Build It, Great Game, Learning More Every Day. Still Haven't used a Single Sim Cash, Accomplished My Goal of Upgrading All Production Facilities. Have a Sleepy Night

Sunday, October 25, 2015

World Journal, Day 6

* Day 5, 956 pm. est. I Sware, 5 Minutes this Morning, and 5 Minutes this Evening, is all it Took to Maintain my New Megapolis Game. All 35 of my Neighbors Got a Gift, and there is Nothing to Do. When SQ Blocked my Game, they Stole It From Me. 16 Hour Days, One Hundred Dollars a Month, 510 Neighbors, Stolen From Me in the Dark of 440 am. Mugged and Beaten without a Trial, Without an Apeal. It is a Criminal theft Which will go unchecked in the Great Span of a Lifetime. * On a Brighter Note, I have Been Working Hard at My New Build It Game, Haven't Spent a Single Sim Cash and I Have Consistent 99% Happiness. Got my Entertainment HQ Today, 60,000, which was today's Goal. Please Bare with me, Megapolis is All About Paying for Your Game, IE Mega Bucks, Neighbors, Expansions, Transactions. Only to be Turned off with the Flip of a Switch. Megapolis Started with 126 MB, got 15 for World Competition, Spent 7 on Expansion, new Total 134. Have a I Did Find Something Else to Do Evening

Saturday, October 24, 2015

World Journal, Day 5

* Day 5, 736 pm. est. Go Ahead and Get this in Early. The Countdown Ends up Being the Start of my new Sims Build It Game. Megapolis is off to a Slow Start, Still Interested, but there's not a lot going on. Me, Planning on doing both games free off cost, Changes the Dynamics of Both. They are Mostly an Occupier of Time, at this Point, I Enjoy the City Scapes on Both. * Started a New Blog, as Of Last Night, the Reprcusions of Having to Start a New Google + Account. Whatever, New Beginnings. Megapolis Started With 125 MB, Leveled Up for 1, New Total 126 MB. Have a Great Night

Friday, October 23, 2015

World Journal, Day 4

* Day 4, 1024 pm. est. Well Looks Like I Start a New Journal After All, My be After 3 Months they Will Pay me for this One. Starting Over