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Thursday, December 31, 2015

World Journal, Day 5, Happy New Year

* A Very Happy New Year's Eve from Me and my Girl, Watching ABC waiting for the Ball to Drop. Got 50 Views on Yesterday's Blog, Been writing a Dailey Entry Now for Three Years. Guess All that backup has produced the ability for a great many to have access to my Diary. Completely Amazing to me, it my sound easy but it's been a long journey. Hoping for a great many things in 2016 including many improvements to my home and hopefully getting my car back on the road. Quick Day with a Two Hour Nap, Extra Special Pizza for Dinner. Ended up getting Paid Today. Happy New Year, Enjoy Your Evening

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

World Journal, Day 4

* Kind of an Amazing Day, Getting used to this Busier Scedual, Fully aware that Tommorow is New Year's Eve. Friday is Also Pay Day for Me. Desided to do some Additional Window Shopping at the Mall and Discovered a Toys R Us Across the Streat. Been a Long time for Me, Went in Looking for Chewbacca Figurine, non to be found. Spent About an hour Shopping. Nice Day, Have a Great Evening

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

World Journal, Day 3

* Greetings from a very long Day, Left early this morning around 11:30, did not get back Here till after 6:30. Been Vegitating ever Since, Helped my Girlfriends Mom move today, Been the longest Day in a While. One of the things my partner and I are trying to do is get Casual Exercise every day. For the most part that means walking the Mall Shopping for an Hour or Shopping Walmart for and Hour. Any who's got our Share of exercise today, two trips with the Truck. I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Enjoy Your Evening

Monday, December 28, 2015

World Journal, Day 2

* Welcome to Pictures from my Home and my Life, Each Day I Will Try to Post a Picture, the highlight of My Day. A Home, my castle. Mondays, what are you going to do, very slow Day, the Ice Storm Outside Doesn't Help, Out ran it Earlier today 20 Miles Away, Knew it was Coming and Left Early, Slightly Worried about Tommorow. Kind of Raining Outside But It's Cold, 29 ° F. Lot of Grief Today for People on the Roads, bet the Police are Busy. Anyways, Hope You have a Great Evening

Sunday, December 27, 2015

World Journal, Day 1

* if you are Reading this, it Means that You have Been exposed to me at some point in my Past. I have Writen About my Adventures with Online Gaming. The Game I am presently playing is Star Wars Heros, and is Hardly Worth Comenting on Daily, It's not that kind of game. What I Will Report is that I am Presently Living with my Girlfriend and We are Taking on that Great Adventure Called Life. * Went to Church Today and Did Some Organizing in The Attic. Two Days Christmas Past. Hope Your Evening is Fresh

Monday, December 7, 2015

World Journal, Day 49

* Day 49, 1010 pm. est. Bordering on Level 42, Everything is Fine. Today has Been a Dead Down Day. Lot of Time Waiting on Battle Energy. Poor Planing on the Games Part to Have Nothing to Do. I Literally Have Nothing to Do. Waiting on Midnight for Game to Reset. All Accessories Slots Available are Full and Stumbling. Game Definitely Designed to Get Our Money. Waiting for Game to Take So Long for a Battle that Everthing is a Tie or Waithing for Some 50 Dollar Caracter that you Don't Have room for. 18 Days Till Christmas. Have a But it Cool Night

Sunday, December 6, 2015

World Journal, Day 48

* Day 48, 1036 pm. est. The Game Itself is getting more and more Difficult to Level up. So far every time I do it adds 100 to the total Level up Score. As a result I am Exploring every Posible way to Gain Experience. Bordering on Level 40, will be there before Arena Battles Tonight. Also getting close to my Main Five Having All Accessories Available for there Level. I Have a Feeling Something Really Cool is Going to Happen at Level Forty. Besides the New Table Available. They Have Already Opened up Additional Challenges for me as of last night. Stay Tuned. 19 Days till Christmas. Have a Hold Your My Breath Evening

Friday, December 4, 2015

World Journal, Day 46

* Day 46, 1016 pm. est. Welcome to the Wonderfull World of Online Gaming, Facebook Friends and Game Groups. Been Doing this for a While. I am Sure Many of You are Just as Familiar with it as I am. Greetings, A New Game has hit our Shores, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. I Invite All of You to Enjoy, As I Take this Game on Full Time as My Newest Obsession. * Every Night at Midnight, the Game Restarts for the Day, New Battles, Free Stuff, And Daily Activities. As a Resort, the Last Few Hours Before Midnight I Have Started Conserving my Battle Energy. Midnight Comes and it's Game On. 22 Days till Christmas. Have a Restfull Peasfull Night

Thursday, December 3, 2015

World Journal, Day 45

* Day 45, 1004 pm. est. The est Stands for Eastern Standard Time, New York time, Washington DC time, and Michigan Time. Made the Ultimate Investment in Heroes today, Spent Money on the Game. Not Really a Big Deal, May Piss a Few People of who can't Afford it. For me to Move into a Leader Roll, I Needed it, Got the Big time Healer, 4 Stars, and Asoka Tano, Really wanted her. Game is Newer than I Thought, maybe only November 24th Release. Not Sure, But that is Posible. That Means I Started this game 4 Days After it was Released and Would Explain a Lot About What I am Seeing. What Seems Like Similar Leader Ranks, and a Coment about the first Update Today. In Any Case, this is what I was Looking for, a new app release, getting in when the game is Brand New. Love It, love it, love it! Have a Healer Now Night

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

World Journal, Day 44

* Day 44, 1000 pm. est. Well Castleville has Seen it's Last Day. I Leveled up to 27 and they through Hazel at me, Taking up 10% of my Screen at the Bottom. It was to much for me to handle. Put the game right in the garbage. I mean, I haven't even released her from her Gloom and the Game was All about Her. * Quick Coment Hear, The game was already on the Back Burner at minimal playing time. If I have to wait five minutes here ten there, build this to build that, I really did loose interest. * I Deleted All Facebook Friends for Game and Left the Alliance. The Game is now Deleted. * On to Greener Pastors, From this point forward the Blog will Refer to Start Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. 24 Days till Christmas. Have a Jolly Evening