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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Ultimate World Journal, June 1, 2017

* When Life Serves you Lemons make Lemonade. 16.16 Tons 3 + inch Crushed Stone Delivered $355, the Driveway Restoration Begins. To say that I am not Overwhelmed would be a Lie, Feeling completely shut down. Temperature outside says 86° not a cloud in sight. Driver dropped a small amount on worst part of driveway, it piles up to about a foot, and It needs to be smoothed out Before the day ends. Will be getting Started Shortly, other than that just spent three days Weed whipping around the house, pulling down Ivy and mowed grass. * Watched the forth Season of Sherlock over this three day weekend on Netflix first two shows where Good Third one was a Dud. Enjoy the Rest of Your Day

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