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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Ultimate World Journal, June 28, 2017

* You only get One Chance to Go Around in this Life, Make the Best of It. Been a Slow Week Here at Home, Haven't had any projects to Post. Getting Ready to pay bills and it's going to be a slow month, not a lot of money for Blog projects. Honestly I Will be Spending the next year to 18 months getting out of debt, enough said. * Mowed the grass today and removed the clothes line. Picture is of impression left in tree after removing the line, tree should heal in time but I didn't want it to die. If I need to put the line back up I Will have to find a better place for it. Enjoy the Rest of Your Night

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Ultimate World Journal, June 22, 2017

* Added a Link to Every Blog Post I have ever Written, It is all right there in Other Blogs, so take a Quick Look and Learn Why I am So Popular. It also adds a Home Page to the Top of the Screen, If you are viewing a single post hit the home page and stream all my resent posts. * Did a Project today where I added Protective Boards to the back of the TV stand, Baby was pulling on the wires. * If you ever need to find me look up Brian Carrier Ultimate World Journal and view my profile. Good Night

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Ultimate World Journal, June 21, 2017

* In Life there are Tests Beyond School, People getting older, Young children, People in middle life and our responsibility is to Always do the Right thing. If you are a Good person this Should be easy, if you are not, then Please stay away from me, I do not Even want to Hear about it. * Had a Good Day, Spent about an hour and a half Cleaning and Sweeping my workshop. I took down and stored the bird feeders, no use leaving them up they weren't being maintained. Finally two coats of stain and one coat of semi-gloss on coffee table boards, pictured here. * People always need to do the right thing. Enjoy Your Evening

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Ultimate World Journal, June 20, 2017

* Wife Says I Need to come across in a more Positive Manner, So I apologize for the Negativity and Will try to be more Uplifting in the future. This is Going to be a two part Progress Post, second picture coming after stain has been applied. Life here at home continues happily, changed the dead bolt and lock on back door, finally broke entirely after being Janky for a long time. Also cut the 1/4 " boards for our coffee table, it had glass in them but one of the glasses broke and it was taped together. With the baby here it couldn't stay that way. Enjoy the Rest of Your Evening

Monday, June 19, 2017

Ultimate World Journal, June 19, 2017

* I Know it may seem like a quick turn around on the blog I Posted Yesterday, But this blog has been around for a While and I Used to Post everyday as a Habit. Things at Home are Great, Busy Day, been waking up earlier nowadays and my nap everyday is only about 45 minutes. My work activities seem to be Surge Inspired, I can go for a While Just living Life, than Others It is important for me Improvement Minded. That said, I did a project today where I replaced two rotted steps with pressure treated lumber. Originally built those two steps with regular wood, in a very short few years was not able to walk on them, now I can. Have a Good Night

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Ultimate World Journal, June 18, 2017, Happy Father's Day

* Happy Father's Day all you Great Father's out There. Been Holding back since getting Married, Really just settling in and trying to Relax. Wife's been working on her name change, If I had one word to describe the mood I'd say Exhausting. At the same time our situation requires extra effort in regards to some of our Government Agencies, enough said. * Went to Home Depot today Purchased a new shelf for the Babies Room, It is now up and pictured here. Mostly just wanted to post a Greetings to All you Deserving Fathers. Enjoy Your Night

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Ultimate World Journal, June 11, 2017

* Two Days Wedding Post and feeling Really Happy. Life is Good, Wanted to say that no matter what you do, not everyone is going to be happy. In my Life, it used to be Just me. Now We are a small family, me, my wife and my son. These are the most important people in the World to Me. I am always with them and there Happiness is The most important thing to Me, No One Else Matters. * I Would Like to Thank each and Everyone of You for Looking in, Viewership is Way up + 250 Every Week, Do Not Even Know How you find me. Driveway is finished, took Three days all together, finished it the day before the Wedding. Final Progress Picture for now. Look forward to additional Progress Blog Posts in the near future. Thank You, Have a Great Day

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Ultimate World Journal, June 1, 2017

* When Life Serves you Lemons make Lemonade. 16.16 Tons 3 + inch Crushed Stone Delivered $355, the Driveway Restoration Begins. To say that I am not Overwhelmed would be a Lie, Feeling completely shut down. Temperature outside says 86° not a cloud in sight. Driver dropped a small amount on worst part of driveway, it piles up to about a foot, and It needs to be smoothed out Before the day ends. Will be getting Started Shortly, other than that just spent three days Weed whipping around the house, pulling down Ivy and mowed grass. * Watched the forth Season of Sherlock over this three day weekend on Netflix first two shows where Good Third one was a Dud. Enjoy the Rest of Your Day