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Thursday, June 23, 2016

World Journal Day 30

June 23, 2016 A man's house is his castle, in the days of old, castles protected large groups of people. Today would not be a good rendition of the noun. People tend to indicate living freely from one another. Home, a man's house is his home. * Mega still going Heroes Killing it Two Tier sevens Third started got gifted shards so Cool. Have a Great Night

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

World Journal Day 22

June 15 2016 Went to the mall today, not a good place to go if your trying to save money. Went because my ring was ready, nice to finally have it sized properly. It fits well and I am happy with it. Spent 16 cash on five movies, 1.50 on a coke. Not sorry I went just sorry money doesn't last longer. Mega is Fine, Heroes is Rolling conserving purples back to an earlier philosophy and an earlier experience now that my level has maxed out, no longer collecting exp, what 16 7☆ Characters, getting Obnoxious. Have a Nice Night

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Saturday, June 11, 2016

World Journal Day 18

June 11 2016 Haven't left the house today, no Matter it's the weekend. Trying to keep personal finances under control and not spend credit this month. The big bed was about the last of it. Paying back deters and maintaining proper stability is first on my mind now. * Heroes is Well, Still maintaining Mega though the site of a glitch sends me running. Having a Great Weekend things have slowed down now for the last couple weeks enjoying a more relaxed overall Schedule. Thank You, Have a Great Night

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Monday, June 6, 2016

World Journal Day 13

June 6 2016 get in a quicky, took the picture yesterday after hanging old bike. Life here progresses in a positive direction. Geeking out on Heroes doing real well picked up my 7☆ Doka today 1 million please 14 seven☆ Characters part of the reason my game is doing so well. Mega used to hold my attention link this nothing stays the same. Nice Night

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Friday, June 3, 2016

World Journal Day 10

June 3 2016 Greetings, Friday made it to another Weekend, been worried about my front tires on the truck. Long story short, purchased two new tires had them put on the back and rotated the backs to the front. Feels good to have four new tires. Payday, paid bills and looks like it's going to be a good month. Glad to have Blog up and running 250 views first week back, thank you. Have a Nice Evenings

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

World Journal Day 8

June 1 2016 Busy Day, didn't get back to the House until 630, still had GW Battles on Heroes before 730 reset. Did not make it got to the secound to last battle, completing it my time was up. Did not get my 36 battles in time. I do enjoy Heroes, as they say life comes first, I am just going to take a breath and enjoy what I have been able to accomplish. Level Eighty Cap Reached Tomorrow 52 Caracters 21 in eighth level gear. Game will probably slow down a little now that experience will no longer apply. Have a Great night. Picture is a home town solar plant being put in, I'm Impressed

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